活動回顧 | Ultiledger愛好者線下Meetup廣州站


活動開場,每位到場的社區成員進行了自我介紹,活動吸引了來自於各個領域的朋友,其中有來自周邊城市佛山的,也有從福建遠道趕來交流學習的。從事的行業分布在各個領域,有傳統機構的投資經理,從事智能硬件開發的工程師,有銀行、證券的高級管理人員,也有Token Fund創始人,還有區塊鏈項目創業人員等等。Ultiledger社區meetup給大家提供了壹個機會,從線上到線下的碰撞,有聊不完的話題。





Ultiledger attended the “Linking the World, Creating the Future – Smart City of Ningbo Hangzhou Bay · Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum”

Guided by Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New District Development and Construction Management Committee and jointly sponsored by Sunac and Lenovo. “Linking the World, Creating the Future – Smart City of Ningbo Hangzhou Bay · Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum” was held in Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo by Zhejiang Province Blockchain Technology Application Association on September 8. Ultiledger founder Randolf Liang Ran and COO Tommy Xu attended the conference as special guests in the blockchain industry.

In the blockchain session, Tommy Xu shared the theme of “The revolution of the Self-financing and the Value of Blockchain Technology”.

The road to financial evolution

At the beginning of human civilization, the purchase of goods is mainly barter one thing for another. With the development of society, there have been intermediaries such as shell currency, metal currency, banknotes, electronic money, and banks of the financial intermediaries, which have greatly promoted the development of commercial society for a long time. However, with the advancement of the times and technology, human beings have entered a highly informational era. The financial industry, which should have been the lubricant of the real industry, has gradually separated from the entity, forming a idling, and the financial costs have eroded most of the entity’s profits.

In 2017, among the top 20 profits of listed companies in China, banks accounted for 11.


The peer to peer decentralized distributed storage and transaction system of the blockchain enables the “value Internet” achieving the free flow of value, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Blockchain technology can easily make any credit organization quickly and cost-effectively build a financial account and account system at the bank security level. The procurement, production and sales of an entity are themselves a closed loop, relying on information technology, and with the purpose of serving the industry and related industries to provide comprehensive financial information services such as payment settlement, investment, financing, etc. to enterprises and individuals with their own business associations like upstream and downstream enterprises, subsidiaries and branches, end consumers and their employees.

This is self-financing.

How to do self-financing

As the next generation of global self-financing blockchain protocol, Ultiledger provides a new function to achieve the “self-financing” for the self economy through the blockchain underlying technology empowerment and platform support, making “self-financing” a kind of general appropriate infrastructure, equal access to Internet technology and get the benefits of the technological progress in blockchain, achieving the application of financial technology, and thus enjoy the results of inclusive finance.

The revolution by Ultiledger is not only the empowerment of a company’s “self-financing” ability, but also a subversion of traditional direct finance, indirect finance, and self-financial model structure.

The third from left is Randolf Liang

After that, Ultiledger founder Randolf Liang attended the roundtable discussion and discussed with the other five guests on the “landing of blockchain industrialization”.

Randolf Liang said: The important factor determining the future prospects of the blockchain is the level of integration with the real economy industry. Technological innovation and financial innovation can only be fully realized if they are deeply integrated with the real economy, to promote the development of the real economy, effectively change the way of the industry, reduce the industrial cost, improve the industrial efficiency, and improve the industrial environment. In the future, the blockchain technology and the real economy industry will be deeply integrated to form a batch of “industrial blockchain” projects, which will become the application trend of blockchain technology.

Making technology and financial technology a universal tool, a force that contributes to the development of the economy and the creation of value, has always been the goal pursued by the Ultiledger team. Making the results of technological advancement to be the incremental tool for the creation of the self-economy’s value by the transformation and optimization of the Ultiledger platform. It would be the greatest value of the platform and also the embodiment of the team’s maximum value.


由寧波杭州灣新區開發建設管理委員會指導,融創與聯想聯合主辦,浙江省區塊鏈技術應用協會協辦的《鏈接世界,慧創未來——寧波杭州灣智慧城市·人工智能高峰論壇》於9月8日上午在寧波杭州灣盛大召開。Ultiledger創始人梁然及COO 徐立作為區塊鏈行業特邀嘉賓出席本次大會。















Randolf Liang and the birth of Ultiledger

This article was originally created by Mr. Wang, who is the member of Ultiledger community, and we welcome more community members to contribute great articles.

Ultiledger, the next generation of self-financing protocol is a group of ambitious young people who have the dream of “technology changes the world, financing will be universal to people”. The project sponsor and founder Randolf Liang is a technical geek. After graduating from Zhejiang University, Randolf Liang entered State Street Bank, which is the world-famous investment bank, and worked as a technology developer in the Asia Pacific headquarters. He began a period of “code change world” in the large investment bank.

As a world-famous investment bank, State Street Bank’s clients are mainly large financial institutions and sovereign countries, providing a full range of financial services for the large economies. Randolf Liang has practiced his technical capabilities and has achieved his dreams of “technology changes the world” in such a large organization; however, he felt that something was still been missed in his world.

There was a time when Randolf Liang was communicating with a classmate who was a business owner, and Randolf Liang discovered that what he had done had nothing to do with the business of his classmate. The sense of his accomplishment was weakened at the time, and he began to think about “why those SMEs are unable to enjoy my technological achievements?”.

At this time, on the dream of “technology changes the world”, Randolf Liang has created a new pursuit of “technical affirmation”. In addition to his work, Randolf Liang began to study the issue of how the achievements of technology and finance can be shared to more people. After the emergence of bitcoin and blockchain technology, Randolf Liang began to pay attention in the early stage.

With the simple ideal of “technical affirmation” and “financial inclusiveness”, Randolf Liang had a deep observation and study of bitcoin and Ethereum’s smart contract technology, his research and mastery of the underlying technology of blockchain has been very strong, and he also met some geeks in the technical circle.

After Randolf Liang discovered the technology of Ripple and Stellar, especially as a new generation of blockchain technology, it has more efficient implementation of distributed storage and transmission, and it contributed to the unique role of decentralized subject free value flow, Randolf Liang considered it as a breakthrough in innovation. It is a technology for exploring space with infinite value, which deserves long-term attention and can be landing.

Randolf Liang anchored his key focus to Ripple and Stellar, and used his free time to launch the RippleFox community in China, bringing together a group of early Chinese enthusiasts who are focus on blockchain technology and Ripple and Stellar technology. A community of great learning atmosphere has been formed.

With the development of the community and the convergence of various types of talents, the community naturally had more than just paying attention to research and they had to do some real things. As a community creator, Randolf Liang began to choose excellent talents from the community. They have carried out some discussion on the project, and focus on the application of blockchain technology.

In the meantime, due to Randolf Liang’s technical attention to Ripple and his professional technical ability, Wanxiang Blockchain Lab hired him as a researcher and he participated in the preparation of the white paper on China’s blockchain technology and application development. He became a veritable industry expert, the dream of his technology changes the world has futher landed.

After a deep study in blockchain, Randolf Liang has already focused on the supply chain financial business application based on blockchain technology with his community partners. He has successively undertaken strategic consulting and technical architecture design for several blockchain financial business solutions of listed companies. Randolf Liang has accumulated rich practical experience and the business processes of these listed companies have been optimized, and the operational efficiency has been improved, which has brought great returns.

At this time, Randolf Liang and his friends are filled with confidence in solving more problems with blockchain, and in Randolf Liang’s heart, the pursuit of “financial inclusive to the public” once again emerged, and he has had continuously discussion with his partners to explore and find a more universal tool and platform, so that more enterprises, especially small and medium-sized industrial enterprises can enjoy the results of blockchain technology advancement, and to enjoy the technology application with low cost and high efficiency, and have the ability to “self-financing “, to achieve the autonomy of its own development.

After experiencing countless days and nights of discussion, a next generation of self-financing protocol framework with technological innovation attributes has finally came out, Randolf Liang named it “Ultiledger”, a blockchain public chain platform with the dream of “Technology changes the world, the financial inclusive to the public” was born.

梁然和Ultiledger 的誕生


















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Sign up for Ultiledger essay competition and get your rewards!

Since its inception, Ultiledger has received a lot of attention from community friends. Many of them have asked how to participate in the construction of Ultiledger community on WeChat group and telegraph group. We are very grateful to the community partners for their recognition and support for Ultiledger.

An award essay event to the Ultiledger community is coming!

In order to enhance the influence of the community and let more people know about Ultiledger, from September 1st to September 10th, Ultiledger will carry out community essay activities + answer questions + select reviews, and give a total of 100,000 ULT and USD 1456  in cash.

Whether you are a powerful crypto currency person or a writer, welcome to post an original article, comics, videos about Ultiledger to any platform like Weibo, WeChat public account, Twitter, Facebook, Bihu, Jianshu, Biche, Zhidian, YouTube, Reddit, Medium or Steemit, then you are in the competition.

Essay collecting time

September 1, 2018, September 10, 2018

Essay picking range

For the Ultiledger project, participants can create around the positioning, role, technology, application of the Ultiledger project, development prospects, community building, and expectations and recommendations for the Ultiledger project. The style of creation is not limited. It accepts articles, videos, comics, etc. The number of articles is not less than 800 words (comics, videos, etc. are not limited by the number of words, and the video time is not less than 1 minute).

Prize settings

1st prize for one person: reward for USD 146 in cash +8000ULT

2nd prize for three people: reward USD 116 in cash + 5000ULT

3rd prize for ten people: reward USD 72 in cash +3000ULT

Evaluation criteria: The quality of the article is the main body, and the content ensures that the original does not involve plagiarism. Comprehensive consideration of the number of points, the amount of forwarding, etc., it is decided by the Ultiledger jury comprehensive assessment.

Participation Award

The top 30 Ultiledger’s essay competition contestants (excluding the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd prizes) will get 1000ULT, and the content ensures that the original does not involve plagiarism, and publish articles on the personal platform.

Entry method

Add the following Ultiledger customer service WeChat, enter the essay writing group, and send the article link to the essay group, which will be judged by the Ultiledger jury.

Selection criteria

According to the article quality, reading volume, and forwarding volume.

Posting platform requirements

It can be released to any platform such as Weibo, WeChat public account, Twitter, Facebook, Bihu, Jianshu, Biche, Zhidian, YouTube, Reddit, Medium or Steemit, encourage multi-platform release.

Time of award announcement

September 20, 2018

The winning result will be announced on the Ultiledger WeChat public account

Statement on the essay works:

  1. The content of the submitted essay must be original works, and must not be copied. A large number of references need to indicate the source;
  2. The final interpretation of this competitionbelongs to the Ultiledger official.


經過近三個月的項目篩選,走遍深圳、北京、上海、成都、廣州、蘇州、杭州七大城市,歷經十八場路演,共贏鏈信息科技從219個參賽項目中脫穎而出,於8月30日與其他十幾個優秀項目進行了最後角逐。共贏鏈信息科技創始人同時也是 Ultiledger Co-Founder兼COO 徐立精彩的分享獲得主評委團壹致認可,共贏鏈信息科技作為唯壹的區塊鏈項目斬獲創新組第二名,Ultiledger新壹代全球自金融區塊鏈協議引起大賽參會主評委、投資機構及參會者的熱議焦點。










