U快訊 | Ultiledger 與 臨界 (Hashgard) 達成戰略合作!

Ultiledger 與 臨界 (Hashgard) 達成戰略合作,雙方未來將在數字金融領域共同探索!

关于 临界Hashgard

临界(Hashgard) 是由分布式资本、BKFUND领投,80家知名投资机构跟投的新一代数字金融公有链。公链将打造一个开放式、高扩展的生态体系,通过技术创新和生态建设,解决数字金融领域的痛点,保护投资者的资产与权益,推动数字金融行业健康发展。

此次 Ultiledger 与临界(Hashgard) 的战略合作,无疑能更好更快地推动新一代全球自金融区块链协议在多个行业场景中的落地应用。

直播預告 | 2019年下半年,數字貨幣走勢將是怎樣?

在当前这么一个热火朝天的牛市环境下,Ultiledger 创始人梁然将联合CoinTiger 创始人Frank Ling & BitUniverse创始人陈勇一起探讨:2019年下半年,数字货币走势将是怎样?




Ultiledger創始人 梁然
曾任萬向區塊鏈實驗室高級項目經理、SAP 中國研究院高級技術專家
Stellar和Ripple創始人Jed McCaleb中國區最早引薦人

CoinTiger創始人兼CEO Frank Ling
曾就職於HP 、網易遊戲,雪球,老虎證券,擔任多個管理職務,後創業,創立了專著海外資產的《籌碼》美股社群和公眾號,擁有超過10萬高凈值用戶。2017年起,作為創始人兼CEO,成立了CoinTiger 數字貨幣交易平臺。

BitUniverse 創始人兼CEO 陳勇

在陳勇主持獵豹移動公司的核心產品業務期間,獵豹移動市值達50億美金。他所負責的Clean Master,CMS產品全球總下載次數超過16億,產品月度活躍達到6億。

Public Release on CoinTiger × BitUniverse UTL International Grid Trading Competition

In order to celebrate the establishment of partnership between CoinTiger, BitUniverse and ULT, the three parties will co-host “ULT International Grid Trading Competition”, with total award pool of 20000XLM+200000ULT as a giveaway to the communities, helping users secure stable profits in a swinging market.

  1. Event Time

2019/6/24 10:00 am – 2019/6/30 10:00 am(UTC+8)

  1. Event Form

The Competition is composed by two parts: Sunny Awards, Profitability Awards. Total Award Pool: 20000XLM+200000ULT.

Part 1: Sunny AWARDS:「200000ULT

1).Qualification requirement: users register CoinTiger and BitUniverse, then run Grid trading pairs ULT/BTC, ULT/USDT, ULT/ETH;

2).Award requirement: during the event, when running ULT Grid trading pairs, single orders mount shall be $100,AND, running frequency shall be ≧ 12 hours, AND, trading frequency shall be ≧30 times;

3). Each winner can have 「2000ULT」each, with limited number of 100 winners, first come first served.

Part 2Profitability Award Award Pool:「20000XLM

Time2019/6/27 10:00-2019/6/30 1000UTC+8

1).Qualification requirement: users register CoinTiger and BitUniverse, then run Grid trading pairs ULT/BTC, ULT/USDT, ULT/ETH;

2).Award requirement: during the event, when running ULT Grid trading pairs, single orders mount shall be $100,AND, running frequency shall be ≧ 12 hours, AND, trading frequency shall be ≧30 times;

3).According to Annualized Return Rate ranking, proved by snapshots of trading results of the previous 24 hours at 10:00 on each day. Top 10 winners split 「6666XLM」, during the 3 days, eventually 30 winners split 「20000XLM」.

Above prizes are non-repetitive.

Prizes will be broadcast in Chinese and English official communities and social media channels of CoinTiger, BitUniverse and ULT. Time of broadcast is subject to official website info.

  1. Special Incentive

During the event, users who trade ULT/BTC, ULT/USDT, ULT/ETH can enjoy 50% exemption for the trading fees!

  1. Award Sending

Final interpretation of the event is subject to CoinTiger, BitUniverse and ULT:

Effective trading volume: total volume of buy and sell, excluding intra-account transfers.

During the event, participants’ qualifications will be canceled in case of malignant trading volume fraud.

Award sending: awards will be sent within 2 weeks after the event ends by ULT to CoinTiger accounts.

Risk reminder: cryptocurrency is an investment object with high risks. Investors shall stay cautious on potential risks. Hosts of the event shall not be held accountable for claims or insurance.

CoinTiger Introduction:

CoinTiger is an innovative and global exchange which provides one-stop financial services such as Crypto, Fiat,Futures, Investment products and IEO. Currently, we are providing 100+ digital asset financial services to 2 million investors around the globe, more than 100 countries and regions. The average daily turnover is 300 million USD and ranks top 30 in CMC!

Ultilegder Introduction:

Ultilegder, the Next Generation Global Self-financing Blockchain Protocol, an open source protocol initiated by a number of IT technology geeks, gets a high-level consensus and co-governance from the communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on token ULT to help any organization (contains government, business, industry clusters or individuals and communities) that needs to build trust at a low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial book and account system of bank-grade security; zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem; improved security, privacy, efficiency and capital availability of the system through the combination of the main chain and sub-chains. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, any tangible assets, data or intangible rights can be written on blockchain to become a string of code to achieve assets and data tokenization, and to use smart contracts and distributed storage for completing functions such as confirmation, notarization, trading, circulation, etc., and finally achieving “credit circulation, asset circulation, value circulation” in the algorithm world.

BitUniverse Introduction

BitUniverse independently develops and initiatively applies Grid trading bot in cryptocurrencies. Within three months after the bot coming online, it has helped users earn more than 3 million USDs. BitUniverse is an app integrating market data, auto portfolio and grid trading. Within 1 year after the release of the App, the number of downloads exceeds 1 million. The App has supported more than 200 exchanges, 60000 tokens and 10 exchanges for Grid trading bot.

BitUniverse provides trading tools for users to help them make more money in swinging market. The tools are:

  • Grid Trading Bot: in swinging market, the bot automatically proceeds “buy low and sell high” within certain price margin to earn more profits for users.
  • Trailing Take Profit: during unilateral rise or drop, users can set trailing percent to maximize profitability.
  • AI Strategy: on basis of historic pricing statistics analysis, optimal strategy can be automatically provided to help users with profit increasing.

BitUniverse Chinese website:https://www.biyou.tech/

BitUniverse English website:https://www.bituniverse.org/



三方將聯合發起舉辦ULT全球網格交易大賽,參與可贏取200,000 ULT及20,000 XLM禮包。詳情如下:

陽光普照獎,交易ULT贏200,000 ULT獎勵
活動規則:活動期間,通過CoinTiger幣虎交易所在BitUniverse上進行ULT網格交易(ULT/BTC、ULT/USDT、ULT/ETH均可),單個網格交易訂單≥100 USDT,運行12小時且運行次數≥30次,即可獲得2,000 ULT獎勵。獎勵先到先得,200,000 ULT送完即止。

個人實力獎,交易ULT贏20,000 XLM獎勵
活動規則:活動期間,通過CoinTiger幣虎交易所在BitUniverse上進行ULT網格交易(ULT/BTC、ULT/USDT、ULT/ETH中任意壹個或多個),BitUniverse將連續3天(28日、29日、30日)每天10:00對用戶交易成績進行快照,以“年化收益率”進行排名,前10名可瓜分6,666 XLM,3天共30人瓜分20,000 XLM。獎勵詳情如下:

1、下載BitUniverse APP
BitUniverse APP中文下載地址:
BitUniverse APP英文下載地址:


Ultiledger News | Stellar Network Open ULT/CNY Trading

Now you can log in to the Stellar desktop wallet or Utoken and you can do ULT/CNY trading. It can be said to be quite fast and convenient.

Four steps, easy to get, follow me

Step 1, log in Stellar desktop wallet – derivative project – click credit ULT

Step 2, enter the credit page – credit CNY

Step 3, enter the trading page – select the trading pair – set ULT as the base currency

Step 4, return to the trading page, you can carry out ULT/CNY trading~

After completing the desktop wallet credit, you can easily operate the phone by importing the stellar wallet in Utoken~

About Utoken

The first mobile wallet to support Ripple, Stellar and other mainstream blockchain networks. Support a variety of assets such as Ripple / Stellar / Bitcoin / Ethereum, a set of mnemonics, easy to manage. No background, no personal information, decentralized private key support, encrypted storage.

You can now download your wallet via www.utoken.cash or by scanning the QR code below!

U快訊 | Stellar網絡開放ULT/CNY交易


四個步驟,輕松get,follow me

Step 1,登陸Stellar桌面錢包-衍生項目-點擊授信ULT

Step 2,進入授信頁面-授信CNY

Step 3,進入交易頁面-選擇交易對-設置ULT為基礎貨幣

Step 4,返回交易頁面,就可以進行ULT/CNY交易啦~





Ultiledger News | Liang Ran strategically joined the company and joined the CoinTiger exchange as a director and CTO

After thorough communication and discussion in the early stage, Ultiledger Founder Liang Ran and CoinTiger recently reached a consensus to invest in CoinTiger and serve as director and chief technology officer of the CoinTiger exchange.

From left: CoinTiger COO Jason, Liang Ran, CoinTiger CEO Frank

CoinTiger Exchange (www.cointiger.one) is a global digital asset trading platform that provides one-stop digital currency financial services such as French currency, currency and wealth management. Since ColineTiger has been on the line, the products have been iteratively upgraded and the ecological construction has become more and more perfect. The web version and IOS/Andriod client have been launched online. In addition to the currency transaction, the platform service has also opened C2C acceptance BitCNY, ecological fund, Labs, new area, Vote in the currency area, etc. At present, CoinTiger has exceeded 1.8 million users, covering more than 40 countries and regions including Asia, North America, Africa and Europe. Up to now, CoinTiger has opened 5 trading zones of BTC, ETH, BitCNY, USDT and TRX, and has 171 currency pairs on the line, ranking the top 30 in CoinMarketCap.

As one of the most important links in the digital currency industry chain, the trading platform has a pivotal position. Since 2014, Liang Ran has led the team to establish the decentralized exchange RippleFox, while operating the largest Ripple and Stellar communities in China.

In the ever-changing blockchain industry, CoinTiger has always insisted on not blindly innovating. All decisions are based on the actual situation of the market, and iteratively based on user needs, and is committed to promoting the development of the entire industry through its own efforts.

Joining CoinTiger this time is a strong proof that Liang Ran firmly believes that “blockchain and digital assets are the future”. Liang Ran will lead the CoinTiger technical team to upgrade in all aspects of architecture, security, transaction experience, etc., and introduce in-depth cooperation with Stellar and Ripple global community to accelerate from digital assets, trading experience, internationalization and other aspects. Enter the top exchange.

U快訊 | 梁然戰略入股並加盟CoinTiger交易所,任董事兼CTO

經過前期充分溝通和探討,Ultiledger Founder梁然與CoinTiger於近日達成共識,將戰略入股CoinTiger,並擔任CoinTiger交易所的董事兼首席技術官。

左起:CoinTiger COO Jason、梁然、CoinTiger CEO Frank


Ultiledger Liang Ran participated in the compilation of the first domestic Stellar network blockchain technology

With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, the Internet has changed every aspect of people’s lives. The emergence of blockchain has brought new development space for value Internet and triggered a new stage of development.

Before the emergence of the blockchain, the value Internet was in a very early stage of development, basically a fragmented development model centered on some intermediary organizations. The blockchain has the characteristics of decentralization, transparency and self-organization, which makes its application more easily spread to applications without geographical boundaries on a global scale, injecting new meaning into the value Internet. With the gradual development of the application of blockchain, it will promote the formation of a large-scale, truly value Internet.

As a senior technical expert and evangelist in the Stellar technical community, Ultiledger Founder Liang Ran and Song Wenpeng, Han Feng, launched the first domestic Stellar network blockchain technology monograph, recommended by Stellar founder Jed McCaleb personally, from the working principle, technical structure Three dimensions of engineering practice, comprehensive analysis of Stellar blockchain technology.

It’s not technology that changes the world, it’s the dream behind technology.

Liang Ran began to focus on the blockchain in 2012, and in 2013 began to write blockchain code. The blockchain is a new thing. Liang Ran really wants to prove some of his own ideas in practice. He meets some geeks online and often communicates with each other.

After discovering Ripple and Stellar technologies Liang Ran, in particular as a new generation of blockchain technology, has a unique role in more efficient implementation of distributed storage and transmission, and contributes to the decentralized subject’s free value flow. He believes that this breakthrough in innovation is a technology of infinite value discovery space, which deserves long-term attention and application, so he anchors his focus to Ripple and Stellar.

In 2014, Liang Ran and Jed met each other. At that time, they often discussed technical issues through the Internet and used their leisure time to launch the RippleFox community in China. They will be a group of early Chinese enthusiasts interested in blockchain technology and Ripple and Stellar technology development. Gather together, start a community operation, interact and interact, form a good atmosphere of learning and practice, and then more and more geeks are involved. Ripplefox has been in operation for more than five years, bringing together more than 20,000 blockchain developers and enthusiasts from around the world. It is also the largest Ripple and Stellar gateway in China and has been operating quite successfully.

Value regression

In 2018, Liang Ran and a number of technical giants launched a new generation of global self-finance blockchain agreement – Ultiledger, through the blockchain technology to achieve enterprise technology empowerment, allowing enterprises to easily achieve digital transformation. According to the value flow demand in the business process of the enterprise, the “issuance Token” is issued within the distribution, which realizes the internal value transfer from the economy and has the “self-finance” capability.

With the credit protocol and technical capabilities provided by the Ultiledger platform backbone, asset securitization of its physical and virtual assets, and circulation on the open platform, to achieve the “self-financing” represented by “self-financing” is to solve the present The optimal solution for the development dilemma of SMEs.

Ultiledger’s important ecological partner – the “chain-single” system of the win-win chain information technology, based on the core company’s accounts payable to suppliers, using blockchain technology to issue credit electronic credentials to help core companies issue “accounts” The meaning of “stable currency” is used for upstream and downstream payment settlement, improving efficiency, reducing friction, and improving the efficiency of the financial services entity economy, thus truly solving the financing problems of SMEs. The significance of the financial reform level is self-evident. The “chain single” system has successfully landed in 2018, including Shandong Daon Group, Infinitus, Zhujiang Investment, Saturday shares and many other listed companies. It is a financial technology enterprise that truly applies blockchain technology to China. One.


作為Stellar技術社區資深技術專家與布道師,Ultiledger Founder梁然聯合宋文鵬、韓豐,推出國內首本恒星網絡區塊鏈技術專著,由Stellar創始人Jed McCaleb親自作序推薦,從工作原理、技術架構、工程實踐三個維度,全方位深入剖析Stellar區塊鏈技術。


價值回歸 技術先行