【Star Talk from ULT Community】Vol.1——Stimulating self-finance with Blockchain Technology

“Star Talk from ULT Community” is a live broadcast section initiated by the ULT community. We focus on the real value of the blockchain. The ULT community hopes to connect more people and things and witness the real value of the blockchain.

The frist guest is Ultiledger’s founder Randolf Liang: Asset circulation should be efficient, Stimulating self-finance with blockchain Technology. At last, ULT Community members have good feedbacks, Randolf Liang’s sharing helps them to know Ultiledger well.
The following is the review of “Star Talk from ULT Community” Vol.1:

Moderator: Welcome, Ultiledger’s founder Liang Ran! say hello to everyone!

Liang Ran: Hello everyone, I am Liang Ran. Generally, For the first time, I will give you a live broadcast. I want to talk to you about this live broadcast: What is self-finance, and why do we have to do it? Since the financial chain. You may often hear the word “finance”, knowing that finance is making money, but you don’t know what direct finance, indirect finance and self-finance. So today I will explain it first. For example, the earliest we actually exchanged goods for exchange, which also produced financial demand, and later produced a credit currency, and finally produced financial services. Up to now, financial services have matured. So, what is direct finance? For example, direct investment, I control the equity of your company, this is direct finance. Indirect finance needs to be implemented by institutions such as intermediate commercial banks. The two forms of financial services, direct finance and indirect finance, are also the most mature, but they also bring a problem. For example, in the current listed companies, we will find that financial institutions earn most of the profits of the entity. Failure to help our society improve overall efficiency, but it hinders efficiency. Since finance does not require external institutions to provide services, it relies on the financial properties of the ecology to transfer, to help the ecological development. Of course, as a large enterprise, in addition to self-finance, you can also use the services of other financial institutions, but since financial can be a favorable supplement, our Ultiledger and ULT can help enterprises, business circles, organizations, etc. The function of finance helps the development of ecology. Not coming from finance will become a form of financial services for inclusive finance. The value and increment of our Ultiledger will also grow exponentially, because there will be more and more organizations, even individuals, who put their financial credits, assets, and values, and ultimately not only people who use Ultiledger. The value and ecology can be improved. Ultiledger is a value transfer station, and its value will be greatly improved, which will reflect the value to ULT. Therefore, I conclude: Since the financial sector is a blue ocean, there is not much public chain involved, we can be said to be the leader in the blockchain. We will use our strengths in this aspect to help companies and individuals grow their value. In the process, our own value will also grow exponentially. The above is my sharing.

Moderator: Thank you for the wonderful sharing of Liang Station. Before the live broadcast, we also collected questions from some members in the community and selected five questions that everyone is most concerned about. Please ask Randolf to answer them one by one. The first question: What are the landing scenarios in the financial ecology? Which type of company can be naturally combined?

Liang Ran: The most obvious landing from finance should be a large-scale enterprise. In fact, I have just said that enterprises, organizations and individuals can do their own finance, but at present I think that large and medium-sized enterprises are the most suitable and manufacturing enterprises. Companies with a particularly long supply chain are suitable, such as cars, appliances, and mobile phones. In the current economic situation, the manufacturing industry is actually very hard. The period for suppliers to pay back after the supply is very long, and this year is longer than last year. Some have to wait a few months to get it, and it is more likely to take a few months of business tickets. One to two, half a year has passed, and it is very likely that they will not be available for one year. What to do, go to private lending? Go to the bank for discount? As I said earlier, direct finance and indirect finance can provide services, but they take away profits. SMEs are even more upset, and banks only make big orders. For example, one million must be fully discounted. One sticker is half a year. SMEs can’t say anything hard, which is a manifestation of financing difficulties and expensive financing. So, if you use self-finance? We let the core enterprises not open the trade ticket, use the blockchain to open the voucher, and use multiple parties to confirm the rights. Then we can use the solution we provide, which can be split in time and amount. For example, the supplier can only pay 200,000 yuan for two months to pay. You will find that this set is more convenient, faster, and the profit is left in the ecosystem. Everyone benefits, because the cost is saved and not sucked.

Moderator: Thank you for your answer. The second question: How to determine whether a company can transform and upgrade its business through self-finance?

Liang Ran: Ultiledger can solve the problem of financing and financing difficulties for SMEs. If your company needs to deal with friends, and there is a gap in funds in the middle, and then have a strong credit endorsement, you can use credit to fill in the blanks, reduce friction and improve efficiency and profit. For example, I said that the large-scale manufacturing industry is actually because this is the ecology around the core enterprises, so the core enterprises have the strongest credit, and the core enterprises use credit to issue the vouchers on the blockchain. But it can also be extended to a small and medium-sized business district. Multiple parties can issue certificates together. Multiple companies can also contact each other. As long as there is credit, such as a good credit company, credit can be used to generate assets. certificate. This is the chain of credit and assets, an organization can also, a department of a large enterprise can also. As long as everyone has this demand for value transfer, they can do it from finance. It is nothing more than a big or small problem from finance. Since the financial is big, you can use a whole set of programs. If you are small, you can use your mobile app to send your own assets.

Moderator: Ok, we know that next month is the 1st anniversary of Ultiledger. The third question is: Is there any good news?

Liang Ran: Yes, on the one hand, it is technical, our development is working hard, and we will soon be able to produce results. On the other hand, we are partners. We not only have partners in the supply chain, but also partners in big data risk control. I believe that the value we create will be reflected in the market.

Moderator: Ok, thank you. Just now we mentioned that there will be some good news release in technology. Then our fourth question is: How is the development of Ultiledger’s main Chain?

Liang Ran: The development is very smooth. At present, I am doing test and documentation work, and I will show you the right time. You can guess when.

Moderator: It seems that it is still very mysterious. The news that the central bank will launch digital currency recently triggered some questions from members, that is, the fifth question: The recent news about the issuance of digital currency by the People’s Bank of China has been confirmed. What are the plans for future compliance in China?

Liang Ran: First of all, the news of the central bank issuing digital currency is very good, and it is the name of the blockchain technology. Because the value chain of the blockchain is one of the most important functions, there is no reason not to use it. We can say that we are using the blockchain to do value transfer. Compliance is definitely in line with national requirements. The enterprise is completely self-financing, and the evidence found is based on the invoice. For example, it is issued by a licensed factoring company, and the financial assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises solves the problem of financing difficulties and financing. This is a matter for the country and the people. We also have strong legal staff to help. In fact, we have already landed many companies. We are practitioners. We chose a track that belongs to us (self-finance), we are not afraid of competition in other public chains, so we are on a track that is both compliant and advantageous. Please cheer for us.

Moderator: Thank you for answering. At the same time as the live broadcast, there are several new questions in the ULT community. What should I do if one of the supply chain financial chains runs?

Liang Ran: This supply chain finance is very long. The chain is a link. A credit is fundamental. Especially in supply chain finance, the issued certificate is actually the certificate of the core enterprise. We only need to peg the credit. The only thing that can be produced is that we only have to peg the core company. For example, we require them to issue invoices before they can issue certificates. In fact, this reliability is already very high. In the process of our issuance, we can not only the core company is required to confirm, and it can also request the supplier to receive the accounts payable to confirm. It can also require the funder, the factoring company, and the technical party to participate in the confirmation. The confirmation result of this multi-party consensus is very reliable. Originally a person or a few people, you can change the voucher, open a fake invoice, use the blockchain system, this situation cannot happen, so the blockchain system makes the original supply chain financial system the overall safety and convenience have been increased by an order of magnitude, and the risk of running is greatly reduced. Of course, if you say that there is a one percent chance of running, this is possible, but back to this point, we are confirmed by many parties. As long as one point is not opened, the whole system will know, so that Exposing the risk ahead of time, so I think that the use of Ultiledger’s solution on the supply chain financial system actually improves the overall security. As for the one percent risk, you don’t need the supply chain system, you use other the way can’t stop it. At this time, we have to rely on the after-the-fact punishment mechanism, such as the court to deal with, and at this time, the supply chain system because of the blockchain system, we can also provide strong evidence to deal with.

Moderator: Thank you, I think there are members who are asking: Where is the money from in self-finance ecology?

Liang Ran: This is a very good question. It seems to be listening to the concept of direct finance, indirect finance and self-finance that I said at the beginning. Where does the money from finance come from? Our Ultiledger has a slogan: value circulation, that is, letting assets circulate, letting credit flow, and finally achieving value circulation. This money from finance is actually credit. We know that direct financial financing is directly to the money, may be mortgaged with equity, indirect finance is mortgage to borrow money, then financial can be done according to your credit. For example, instead of an entity, you are an order, such as your invoice, your inventory in the warehouse, which can be relied upon. Of course, we can also mortgage our assets. As long as our relevant partners recognize that your credit is valuable and that your assets are valuable, then I can generate it as a voucher on the blockchain. Of course, depending on his credit, I may generate different qualities, and then through a licensed factoring company, I can recognize your value and discount it to you. The most interesting point is that this factoring company is actually provided by various parties in the ecology. For example, the core enterprise suppliers, even using personal money to put in, then this is actually more in line with financial the ecology, the real money you provide, can correspond to the credit and assets in your ecology.

Moderator: Thank you, new questions from the community: Is a strong credit endorsement a guarantee?

Liang Ran: No, for example, I use my own value to endorse this. If you go outside, this multi-party consensus mechanism needs to be recognized by many parties. For example, the supplier will recognize the core company’s accounts payable, then this in fact, it is a credit. Of course, if this core company is willing to find other companies to endorse, there is a guarantee that it can strengthen his credit. But if this credit is enough, at least I have already left a mark on the blockchain. For example, in the supply chain finance provided by Ultiledger, every time there is a flow, there will be traces on it, and all of them will be in the case of uploading evidence such as contracts, in this case, we believe that such credits are already ok, there is no need for guarantees in the case of credit, and there is also a mortgage of direct assets, which does not require Guaranteed.

Moderator: Ok, understand, there is another member who wants to ask what is the contracted company of Ultiledger?

Liang Ran: There are still quite a lot of Successful Cases. In the case of contracting, we actually need a company’s main body to Achieve cooperation, so we have an ecological partner, which is Shenzhen’s win-win chain information technology. Through this partner, we have reached the INFINITUS, this is a BIG company, it has a very large number of members, and covers a lot of its suppliers. We also landed the listed company’s Saturday shoe industry. For example, it can provide a list of suppliers that provide it with cowhide, soles, and rubber. Our system of supply chain is called a chain list. The assets issued on the chain, we call it a chain list. Using this chain, the core company can pay the accounts payable as a voucher to the following suppliers. The first-tier supplier can continue to transfer to the second-tier supplier, and the second-tier supplier can then transfer to the third-tier supplier. Interesting Yes, we found out at the end that it was opened to Level 4 and Level 5, and then the accounts payable just expired, which perfectly solved the gap in this fund. In addition, we also have shares like Dawn Group, which is a case of cooperation in the chemical industry, as well as a similar government project, a property exchange, Hengqin Intellectual Property Exchange. We have other similar government projects, such as the Daqing City Government, who want to be a government corporate finance platform. In the future, we will have more cooperative enterprises and cases, let us rest assured that we are still very leading in the industry.

Moderator: Ok, today we have learned a lot about financial information, and once again thank for Randolf’s sharing. Today’s live broadcast is coming to an end. thank you!Thank you for your support of the first phase of the “U Community Star Dialogue”. We will continue to update it in the future, and explain and share industry information for the ULT community partners.

About Ultiledger
Ultilegder, the Next Generation Global Self-financing Blockchain Protocol, an open source protocol initiated by a number of IT technology geeks, gets a high-level consensus and co-governance from the communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on token ULT to help any organization (contains government, business, industry clusters or individuals and communities) that needs to build trust at a low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial book and account system of bank-grade security; zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem; improved security, privacy, efficiency and capital availability of the system through the combination of the main chain and sub-chains. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, any tangible assets, data or intangible rights can be written on blockchain to become a string of code to achieve assets and data tokenization, and to use smart contracts and distributed storage for completing functions such as confirmation, notarization, trading, circulation, etc., and finally achieving “credit circulation, asset circulation, value circulation” in the algorithm world.



梁    然:大家好,我是梁然,一般大家叫我站長或者梁站,第一次給大家做直播,這次直播我想跟大家聊聊:什麼是自金融,以及我們為什麼我們要做自金融這條公鏈。大家可能經常聽到金融這個詞,知道金融是賺錢的,但是,並不知道什麼是直接金融,間接金融和自金融。所以今天我先來解釋一下。比如說最早的我們其實是用貨物換來換去,這也就產生了金融的需求,後來又產生了信用貨幣,最後也就產生了金融服務。發展到現在,金融服務已經非常成熟。那麼直接金融是什麼呢?比如說直接投資,我控制你這家公司的股權,這就是直接金融。間接金融需要中間商業銀行等機构來實現。直接金融與間接金融這兩種形態的金融服務管道也是最成熟的,但是也會帶來一個問題,比如現在的上市公司,我們會發現,金融機構賺取了實體企業絕大部分的利潤,這沒有幫助我們的社會提昇整體效率,反而阻礙了效率。自金融不需要外部機构提供服務,依靠生態裏的金融内容進行流轉,來幫助生態更好的發展。當然,作為一個大企業,除了可以使用自金融以外,也可以採用其他金融機構的服務,但是自金融可以作為一個有利的補充,我們的Ultiledger以及ULT可以幫助企業、商圈、組織等,來實現自金融的功能,幫助生態的發展。未來自金融將會成為普惠金融的一種金融服務形式。我們Ultiledger的價值以及增量也會呈現指數級的增長,因為會有越來越多的企業組織,甚至是個人,把自己的金融的信用、資產、價值都放上去,最終不僅使用Ultiledger的人的價值以及生態可以得到提升,Ultiledger作為一個價值中轉站,它的價值也會得到非常大的提升,進而把價值反應到ULT上。所以,我總結下:自金融這一塊領域是一個藍海,並沒有太多的公鏈涉及,我們可以說是區塊鏈當中的領先者。我們會在這一方面發揮我們的優勢,幫助企業以及個人的價值成長,在這個過程當中,我們自己的價值也會得到指數級的增長,以上就是我的分享。
梁    然:自金融最明顯的落地應該是大型企業,其實我剛才也說了,企業、組織、個人都可以做自金融的,但現時我認為大中型企業最合適,而且是製造型企業,那種供應鏈特別長的企業就很適合,比如汽車、電器、手機。在現在的經濟情况下,製造業其實是很辛苦的,供應商供貨後要回款的週期很長,而且今年比去年更長了。有的要等幾個月才能拿到,更有可能拿的還是幾個月的商票,一來二去,半年就過去了,很有可能一年都拿不到。怎麼辦呢,去民間借貸?去銀行貼現?剛才說了,直接金融和間接金融可以提供服務,但他們把利潤都拿走了,中小企業更難過了,而且銀行只做大單,比如一百萬一定要全貼現,一貼就是半年。中小企業苦得說不出來,這就是融資難和融資貴的一個表現。那麼,如果用自金融呢?我們讓覈心企業不開商票,用區塊鏈開應付憑證,多方來確權。再用我們提供的解決方案,在時間和金額上都可以折開。比如讓供應商可以只貼20萬兩個月來付薪水。你會發現,這一套走下來,更方便,更快,而且利潤留在了生態圈裏的,大家都受益了,因為成本節省了,不被吸血了。
梁    然:Ultiledger可以為中小企業解决融資貴、融資難的難題。如果你的企業需要和友商打交道,而且中間有資金的缺口,然後又有强有力的信用背書,就可以用信用來填空,降摩擦提效率留利潤。比如我說的大型製造業,其實就是因為這是圍繞覈心企業的生態,所以覈心企業的信用最强,覈心企業利用信用來發行區塊鏈上的應付憑證。但是也可以擴大到一個中小型的商圈中,多方共同發行憑證,多個企業有聯系也可以的,只要有信用就行,比如一個信用好的企業帶頭,信用不好的可以用資產抵押來產生憑證。這就是信用和資產的上鏈,一個組織也可以,一個大企業的部門也可以。只要大家都有這個價值流轉的需求,就可以做自金融,無非是這個自金融大或小的問題。自金融大了可以用一整套方案,小了可以用手機APP自己發資產流轉。
梁    然:有的,一方面是科技上的,我們的開發都在努力工作,很快就能出成果。另一方面是合作夥伴,我們不僅有做供應鏈的合作夥伴,我們還有做大數據風控的合作夥伴,我相信,我們創造的價值都會反應到市場上去。
梁    然:開發很順利,現時在做測試和檔案工作,會等合適的時機給大家展示,大家可以猜猜什麼時候。
梁    然:首先,這個央行發行數位貨幣的消息非常好,為區塊鏈科技正名了。因為區塊鏈的價值流轉是最重要的功能之一,沒有道理不去用它,我們可以正大光明的說我們在用區塊鏈做價值流轉。合規性我們肯定是和國家要求保持一致的。而企業自金融是完全合規的,發現的憑證是有依據的,比如根據發票來發行,比如做貼現是用有牌照的保理公司,而且自金融幫助中小企業解决融資難、融資貴的問題,這是有利於國家和人民的事情,我們也有强大的法務人員幫助,事實上我們已經落地了很多企業,我們是實踐派。我們選擇了一條屬於我們自己的賽道(自金融),我們不怕其他公鏈的競爭,所以我們是在一條合規又有優勢的賽道上。請大家為我們加油。
梁    然:這個供應鏈金融是很長的,鏈一環扣一環,一個信用是有根本的,尤其是在供應鏈金融上,發行的憑證其實是覈心企業的憑證,我們只需要盯住信用產生的根本就可以了,也就是我們只要盯住覈心企業,比如我們要求他們一定要開具發票才可以發行憑證,其實這個可靠性已經是非常高的了,在我們發行的過程中,我們不僅可以要求覈心企業確認,也可以要求接收應付帳款的供應商來確認,還可以要求資金方、保理公司、科技方一起來參與確認,這個多方共識的確認結果就非常的可靠了。原來一個人或者某幾個人,就可以更改憑證,開出假的發票來,用了區塊鏈系統,這個情况就不可能發生了,所以用區塊鏈系統使原有的供應鏈金融體系的整個安全性和方便性都提升了一個數量級,跑路的危險就大大降低了。當然你說有沒有百分之一的可能跑路,這是有可能,但是回到這一點,我們是多方共識確認的,只要有一點沒有開出來,整個系統的人就會知道,這樣也能將風險提前暴露出來,所以我認為供應鏈金融系統上面,使用了Ultiledger的解決方案,其實使整體的安全性提高,至於那百分之一的風險,就是你不用供應鏈系統,你用其他的管道也封锁不了。這個時候我們就得依賴於事後的懲罰機制,比如法院來處理,而這時,供應鏈系統因為採用了區塊鏈體系,我們也能提供强有力的證據來處理。
梁    然:這個問題非常好。看來是聽進去我一開始說的直接金融、間接金融與自金融的概念了。自金融的錢從哪裡來呢?我們Ultiledger有一個slogan:價值流通,即讓資產流通,讓信用流通,最後達成價值流通。自金融的這個錢其實就是信用。我們知道直接金融融資是直接給錢,可能是用股權來抵押的,間接金融是抵押來借錢的,那麼自金融的話是可以根據你的信用來做的。比如說依託的不是實體,而是你的一個訂單,比如說你的發票,你在倉庫裏的存貨,這些都可以來依據。當然,我們也可以把自己的資產給抵押進去。只要我們相關的合作方認可,認為你的信用是有價值的,認可你的資產是有價值的,那麼我就可以把它生成為區塊鏈上的憑證,當然,根據他的信用的不同,我可能生成不同的品質,然後通過有牌照的保理公司,我就可以認可你這個價值,從而貼現給你。最有意思的一點,就是說這個保理公司,其實也是由生態的各個參與方來提供的,比如說覈心企業供應商,甚至是用個人的錢來放進去,那麼這樣的話其實就更符合自金融的生態了,你提供的這個真實的錢,就可以對應著你這個生態裏的信用和資產。
梁    然:不是,比如說我用我自己的價值來為這個背書,那你去外面的話,這個多方共識機制需要有多方的認可,比如說供應商就會認可覈心企業的應付帳款,那麼這其實就是一個信用。當然,如果這個覈心企業願意找到其他的企業來背書,有擔保,可以加强他的信用。但如果這個信用已經夠了,最起碼我已經在區塊鏈上留痕了,比如說在Ultiledger提供的這個供應鏈金融上面,每一次的流轉,上面都是會留痕迹的,而且都是要上傳契约這樣的證據的,在這種情况下,我們認為這樣的信用已經可以了,在信用可以的情况下就不需要擔保了,另外還有一種就是直接資產的抵押,那這種也是不需要擔保的。
梁    然:這個落地企業還是挺多的,在落地的情况下,我們其實是需要一個企業的主體去談合作的,所以我們有一個生態合作夥伴,就是深圳的共贏鏈資訊科技。通過這個合作夥伴,我們落地了無限極,這是個非常大的企業,它的成員人數非常多,而且覆蓋了它的非常多的供應商。我們還落地了上市公司星期六鞋業,可能女生會比較認識,因為是做女鞋的。比如說它可以為給它提供牛皮、鞋底、橡膠這些的供應商開出鏈單,我們的這條供應鏈的系統就叫做鏈單,在鏈上發行的資產,我們把它稱為鏈單,利用這個鏈單,覈心企業就可以把這個應付賬款作為憑證付給下麵的供應商,一級供應商可以繼續流轉給二級供應商,二級供應商再流轉給三級供應商,有意思的是,我們到最後發現,開到了四級、五級,然後剛好應付帳款就到期了,這就完美的解决了這個資金的缺口。另外,我們還有像道恩股份,這是化工領域的一個合作的案例,還有類似的政府項目,一個產權交易所橫琴知識產權交易所。我們還有其他的類似的政府項目,比如說大慶市政府,他們想做一個政府的企業融資平臺。未來的話,我們會有更多的合作企業和案例落地,請大家放心,我們在業內還是非常領先的。








Ultiledger創始人    梁然
Stellar和Ripple創始人Jed McCaleb中國區最早引薦人





Registration is Open | The 1st anniversary event of Ultiledger

Time: September 7th, 2019
Venue: 23rd Floor, T1 Building, Raffles Plaza, Changning District, Shanghai

in the past year,
The development of Ultiledger’s mainchain is progressing smoothly, and the test chain is coming soon.
accelerated the layout of Business ecosystem
at the same time,
Market cap of ULT continues to rise,
The ULT community is constantly expanding.
This is the 1st anniversary of Ultiledger and a small step for Self-financing.


14:30-15:00 Guest Register
15:00-15:10 Opening
15:10-15:25 Sharing by Ultiledger founder Liang Ran
15:25-15:40 Guest Sharing
15:40-15:55 Guest Sharing
15:55-16:10 Tea break
16:10-16:30 roundtable conference: ULT Community Building
16:30-17:00 Group photo
17:00-21:00 ULT 1st anniversary appreciation dinner

The 1st anniversary of Ultiledger should be a meaningful community event, so we launched a vote for community members, and Shanghai finally won 240 votes ahead of other cities.

As the leading city for economic development and the first free trade pilot zone, Shanghai continues to attract new projects and new technologies to develop. In the current mixed industry, it looks more decent and more imaginative. When docking the event venue, we were fortunate to receive support from the Bihu community and will provide venue support for the 1st anniversary event. Right place, right time, let’s meet in Shanghai in September.

The number of applicants for the event is limited. For more event details and registration, please scan the QR code below.

About Ultiledger
Ultilegder, the Next Generation Global Self-financing Blockchain Protocol, an open source protocol initiated by a number of IT technology geeks, gets a high-level consensus and co-governance from the communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on token ULT to help any organization (contains government, business, industry clusters or individuals and communities) that needs to build trust at a low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial book and account system of bank-grade security; zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem; improved security, privacy, efficiency and capital availability of the system through the combination of the main chain and sub-chains. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, any tangible assets, data or intangible rights can be written on blockchain to become a string of code to achieve assets and data tokenization, and to use smart contracts and distributed storage for completing functions such as confirmation, notarization, trading, circulation, etc., and finally achieving “credit circulation, asset circulation, value circulation” in the algorithm world.





14:30-15:00      簽到
15:00-15:10      主持人開場
15:10-15:25       Ultiledger創始人梁然分享
15:25-15:40      神秘嘉賓一分享
15:40-15:55      神秘嘉賓二分享
15:55-16:10       Tea break
16:10-16:30      圓桌討論:未來社區的建設
16:30-17:00     合影留戀結束活動
17:00-21:00     Ultiledger一周年答謝龍蝦宴






















Ultiledger入選CoinTiger聯合Ticker Capital發佈的“億元尋寶”計畫增持項目

7月29日,ultiledger納入精選cointiger聯合ticker capital發佈的“億元尋寶”計畫新增項目。

為了更好的保值和扶助區區塊鏈優質項目,促進區區塊鏈行業的可持續發展。CoinTiger貨幣老虎交易所聯合Ticker Capital共同發佈“億元淘寶”計畫,推出用於新增CoinTiger交易所上優質的區塊鏈項目的專項資金,資金規定模式為1500萬美元(約1億人貨幣),封閉期為2年。


此次CoinTiger聯合Ticker Capital推出的“億元尋寶”計畫,秉承價值投資理念,長期持有優質項目獲取長期成長收益,不以短期盈利為主要目的。封閉期內持倉配比在15%—85%之間,每個幣種資產配寘占比不超過10%。在力求風險最低化的同時,通過次級市場的戰畧配寘,扶持優質區塊鏈資產的流動性,為區塊鏈生態的長期發展提供助力。










可見的未來 必然的發生




U快訊| Ultiledger與魚幹閃付達成戰略合作,即日起支持11億微信用戶使用ULT支付




