Ultiledger was invited to attend the 2018 Shenzhen International Maker Week Huaqiang North SEG UP IOT Planet Summit

“2018 Shenzhen International Maker Week LINFINITY Huaqiang North SEG UP IOT Planet Summit” was grandly opened at 10:00 on October 12th at Shenzhen Huaqiang North Pedestrian Street · SEG Plaza. Ultiledger was invited to attend the summit.

The summit was jointly organized by Shenzhen Futian District People’s Government, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Youview Media Co., Ltd.

Speech by Mr. Huang, Member of the of Futian District Committee and Deputy District Member of the District Government

Speech by Miss Hu, deputy director and party committee member of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government

Speech by Mr. Wang, Chairman of Shenzhen SEG Group Co., Ltd.

Ultiledger Founder Randolf Liang Co-Founder & COO Tommy Xu was invited to attend the summit roundtable forum, together with LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian, on the theme of “blockchain year one” on blockchain technology in the field of Internet of Things and supply chain In-depth discussion of commercialization.

From left: Tommy Xu, Anndy Lian, Randolf Liang

Speech by Randolf Liang at the roundtable forum

The roundtable forum focuses on the synergy and cooperation between enterprises, and faces the company’s operating costs and landing solutions. The Internet of Things combines blockchains to better realize supply chain finance in the future.

This “International Maker Week” is a national-level event and has received strong support and guidance from the Shenzhen Government, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. The summit is also one of the national key scientific and technological innovation activities initiated by the government. The event lasts for four days and the theme is centered on the Internet of Things. The aim is to let more technology enthusiasts understand the most cutting-edge high-tech and the important role of blockchain in traditional industries.

Ultiledger受邀出席2018深圳國際創客周華強北SEG UP物聯星球峰會

“ 2018 深圳國際創客周 LINFINITY 華強北 SEG UP 物聯星球峰會”於10月12日10點在深圳華強北步行街·賽格廣場盛大開幕,Ultiledger受邀出席本次峰會。


福田區委常委,區政府常委副區長 黃偉 致辭

深圳市人民政府國有資產監督管理委員會副主任、黨委委員 胡朝陽 致辭

深圳市賽格集團有限公司董事長 王寶 致辭

Ultiledger Founder梁然 Co-Founder & COO 徐立受邀出席此次峰會圓桌論壇部分,攜手LINFINITY CEO Anndy Lian,以《區塊鏈元年》為主題就物聯網和供應鏈領域中的區塊鏈技術商業化開展深度探討。

左起:徐立  Anndy Lian 梁然




The world’s first Stellar blockchian technology book is about to be released, and the preface was written by Jed who is the founder of Stellar

In October 2018, the electronic version of “Stellar Blockchain Technology: Principles and Practice” was released, this book was written by Randolf Liang, the founder of Ultiledger, and is the first monograph of the stellar blockchain technology in China. The printed version of the book will be on the market in November. The most surprising thing is that Jed McCaleb, the father of eDonkey, Ripple and the founder of the stellar, personally wrote a preface for the book.

The book was written by three early Stellar technical community participants, Wenpeng Song, Randolf Liang, and Feng Han. It not only introduces the cases of Stellar blockchain technology principle and the blockchain two-layer application, but also introduces a detailed new blockchain network construction and deployment method and process, which has a high reference value for blockchain enthusiasts and developers.

Ultiledger founder Randolf Liang began to focus on the blockchain in 2012 and started to blockchain coding in 2013. Randolf Liang was very interested in the blockchain as it was a new technology. He wanted to prove some of his ideas in practice and he often communicated with some geeks online.

After Randolf Liang discovered the Ripple and Stellar technologies, especially as a new generation of blockchain technology, with more efficient implementation of distributed storage and transmission, and contributed to the unique role of the free value flow of decentralized subject, Randolf Liang believes it is an innovative breakthrough. It is a technology for infinite exploration value. It deserves long-term attention and applies to the reality. Randolf Liang has anchored his focus to Ripple and Stellar.

Jed McCaleb and Randolf Liang

Randolf Liang knew Jed in 2014. At that time, they often discussed technical issues through the Internet, so the Ripplefox community was formed, and more and more geeks joined in. Ripplefox has been in operation for more than four years, bringing together more than 20,000 blockchain developers and enthusiasts around the world. It is also the largest Ripple and Stellar gateway in China and has been operating quite successfully.

What is Stellar?

Currently the market value of Stellar has ranked to No. six

At the time of writing, Stellar had a market value of RMB 27.8 billion

The essence of the Stellar is the decentralized, distributed ledger, which has its digital currency called lumens on the network. These features can be compared to Bitcoin. But in addition to lumens, the stellar also supports other different types of digital assets and allows its users to issue new digital assets, and other digital currencies or legal currency can be traded by its network’s “anchor” system. Stellar also has a decentralized digital trading market.

Don’t wait until November, scan the below QR code, and read the book now (electronic version)

Ultiledger community welfare

Forward this article on Wechat or Weibo and express your thoughts or messages on Stellar or Ultiledger and send the screenshot to Ultiledger customer service. We will select 10 community members who share high-quality content to send out a free Randolf Liang’s autographed “Stellar Blockchain Technology: Principles and Practice” printed book after the publication of the printed book.

Event deadline: from now until 6pm on October 15th, 2018


2018年10月,由Ultiledger創始人梁然參與撰寫的《Stellar區塊鏈技術:原理與實踐》的電子版發布,本書是國內第壹本恒星網絡區塊鏈技術專著,印刷版本的圖書將在11月與讀者見面。最驚喜的是“電驢之父”、瑞波以及恒星網絡的創始人Jed McCaleb親自為本書撰寫了序言。




梁然與Jed McCale










Ultiledger was invited to attend the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Blockchain Summit

On October 9, 2018, the Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association invited Ultiledger Founder Randolf Liang and Co-Founder and COO Tommy Xu to attend the Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Blockchain Summit, which was held at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Ultiledger Randolf Liang, Tommy Xu and Hong Kong Blockchain Association President Rex Wong, Bitwork co-founder Colin Lee

In order to popularize the application of blockchain technology, Hong Kong is committed to developing the local technology industry into a new economic pillar. It is in line with the dominant position of the banking industry and the shipping industry. At present, the Hong Kong government and institutions have invested a lot of resources in the blockchain. The summit attracted a large number of local companies, Hong Kong medias and investors and institutions. Ultiledger as a self-financing public chain representative exchanged information on the blockchain technology and services with the participating institutions and companies. .

After the summit, Ulltiledger communicated with the organizer of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association and the participating unit BitWork to promote the blockchain self-financing empowerment to the Hong Kong SMEs.

SMEs are the most important part of Hong Kong’s economy. As of December 2017, there were about 300,000 SMEs in Hong Kong, accounting for more than 97% of the total number of commercial units in Hong Kong, and providing employment opportunities for more than 1.3 million people. It takes more than 60% of the total employment.

As a world-famous international financial center, Hong Kong is an ideal financing place for SMEs, including mature markets, sound rule of law, abundant funds, and low financing costs.

With the popularization of blockchain technology, it is believed that more and more people can understand that the essence of the blockchain is a decentralized, transparent and tamper-proof accounting system. Through a comprehensive consensus algorithm, it provides a solution of a booking system with bank-level security but at a very low cost. And the blockchain is also known as the “trust machine.”

Applying to the issue of “enterprise financing”, Ultiledger has built a blockchain ecological platform for the demand of high financing costs, low digitalization of business processes and lack of value-added means of assets.

Ultiledger public chain ecological platform adopted the main chain and sub-chain coordination structure. The main chain mainly plays the role of ecological internal consistency, which mainly plays the role of value anchoring and sub-chain value exchange. The distributed storage mechanism is used to build the data and value flow channels of the sub-chain and the main chain, and provide appropriate value and storage mechanism for different business needs, and achieve the sub-chain system with customized requirements. With the improvement of the ecology, the sub-chain provides customized requirements for various organizations, and through the coordination of the main chain, it can complete smooth value circulation and improve the efficiency of the public-chain platform.

On the Ultiledger sub-chain, each sub-chain can be customized according to the organization of each different attribute, and it is universally applicable to any bank, enterprise, government, hospital, enterprise, etc. with economic attributes. With the construction of sub-chains, each organization can complete its digital process, achieve the free flow of internal information, and greatly improve the efficiency of internal operations. Furthermore, with the digital operation of each organization, a set of transparent, blockchain technology credit endorsement enterprise data can provide open and transparent operations for SMEs, as well as provide financing reference to the   upstream and downstream enterprises, governments, banks and other institutions. In the operation process, enterprises involved in the construction of sub-chains can “tokenized” the internal assets and use effective blockchain value certificates to achieve internal economic circulation, such as employee salary settlement and upstream and downstream corporate customers, community user incentives, etc.

Each small and medium-sized enterprise participating in Ultiledger can not only achieve the “self-financing” operation after completing the “tokenization”, but also achieve the value exchange with the external organization through the anchored ULT value. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, asset transfers between sub-chains can be freely transferred through the main chain.

In the future, with deeper cooperation with the Hong Kong Blockchain Association and relevant local institutions, Ultiledger will empower the blockchain technology equally, and the changes will involve the subversion of traditional financial services, which will also bring down the cost and efficiency of enterprises. The substantial increase in the value of the economic value brought to society will also be limitless.


2018年10月9日,受香港區塊鏈產業協會邀請Ultiledger Founder梁然及Co-Founder兼COO徐立出席區塊鏈及醫療、健康產業的融合發展高峰論壇,大會在香港交易所舉行。

Ultiledger梁然、徐立與香港區塊鏈產業協會會長Rex Wong,Bitwork聯合創始人Colin Lee











Ultiledger and Guizhou Qianjiu Co., Ltd. launches a collection of commemorative liquor U919

” Guests fill up the room, and the cups of liquor are never empty.”

The world-famous Chinese Liquor culture is not only in the Liquor itself, but also in the various “rituals” and “loves” in daily life that are born out of the Liquor, showing a splendid oriental traditional culture. To commemorate Ultiledger World Premiere on September 19th, Ultiledger and Guizhou Qianjiu Co., Ltd. launchs a limited edition Ultiledger World Premiere commemorative liquor “U919”.

Guizhou Qianjiu Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: “Qianjiu”) was founded in 1958. It is located in China Maotai Town, one of the world’s three major sources (Maotai Town/Luban Town/Wuma Town) of distilled spirits. “Qianjiu” is the “Top Ten Private Industrial Enterprises in Renhuai City, Guizhou Province” and “Top Ten Liquor Industrial Enterprises in Renhuai City, Guizhou Province”.

2018 is the year of Qianjiu’s 60th establishment anniversary, it unites the Ultiledger community launches the world premiere commemorative liquor “U919” with the founder of Ultiledger and the founder of RippleFox Randolf Liang’s autography.

60 years of persistence, only a good bottle of Liquor

The expectations of tens of thousands of people are only ignited for the flame

Limited 3000 bottles

Ultiledger was founded by a group of ambitious young people with the dream of “Technology changes the world, “Financial inclusive to the public”. The founder Randolf Liang is a technical geek who began to pay attention to the blockchain in 2012 and started coding blockchain in 2013. In 2014, Randolf Liang initiated the Ripplefox community, which attracts more than 20,000 blockchain developers and enthusiasts all over the world in four years. It is also the largest Ripple and Stellar gateway in China.

With the successful blockchain implementation and the support of the community members, Ultiledger founded. In the “U919” bottle design, the fire fox holds the torch highly with a running position, representing the expectation of RippleFox community to the ULT holy fire, igniting the holy fire, passing hope…

Why is Qianjiu and Ultiledger launching the Collection of Commemorative Liquor U919?

In recent years, most enterprises have faced many problems such as overcapacity, rising operating costs, increasingly fierce competition, and difficult financing. Enterprises urgently need more subdivided financial scenarios to meet the business needs.

As a long-lived enterprise for 60 years, Qianjiu has always insisted on innovation breakthroughs, actively adapting to the new normal, and experiencing the up and downs of the industry. Qianjiu have set an example that can be referenced to Guizhou and even the country. With the development of blockchain technology, Qianjiu realized the value of the blockchain. Previously, Qianjiu and Ultiledger reached a preliminary intention for ecological cooperation.

Ultiledger, the next-generation global self-financing blockchain protocol will help Qianjiu to achieve a zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem with extremely low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial ledger and account system with bank security levels. Relying on the strong credit of Qianjiu, the credit of upstream and downstream enterprises will be increased, and the credits of Qianjiu will be blessed to the small and medium-sized micro-suppliers, so that they can enjoy the preferential interest rate of the bank with the same credit and obtain the financial support.

In order to benefit the upstream and downstream suppliers and the entire liquor industry ecosystem, and to solve the financing difficulties and financing problems of small and micro enterprises and individual suppliers, the cooperation between Qianjiu and Ultiledger will be its exploration in supply chain finance.

At the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Qianjiu and the Ultiledger World Premiere, Ultiledger and Qianjiu launches a limited edition Ultiledger World Premiere commemorative liquor “U919”, which is of great practical significance for traditional enterprises, community ecological construction, and Token economic ecosystem construction.

Scan the QR Code for purchasing

The event was initiated by the Ultiledger community, and Qianjiu will invest a maximum percentage of U919 sales in the ecological development of the Ultiledger community.

Event Trailer | Ultiledger Meetup Guizhou Station and Moutai Culture Tour

Anyone who participates in the purchase of commemorative liquor will have the opportunity to participate in the Ultiledger Guizhou MetalUp (Ultiledger world premiere commemorative liquor U919 releasing event) held in Maotai Town, Guizhou Province in mid-to-late October.

1. Visit the Qianjiu Factory

2. Visit the Qianjiu Culture Center, the Red Army Long March Sidu Chishui Luban Field Battle Hall, Maocun Qianjiu Folk Museum

The Red Army Long March Sidu Chishui Luban Field Battle Hall

3. Experience the Maotai-flavored liquor tasting, you can have your customized taste according to the guidance of the bartender, there are seven rounds of the original pulp liquor of different tastes, which can be tune-up, and you have a chance to seal up your taste as a memorial.

4. Visit Maotai Liquor Factory and National Liquor Culture City, and enjoy the night view of Maotai Ancient Town.

Maotai Ancient Town Night Scene

5. Watch the large-scale water show in Maotai Ancient Town, and learn about the story of Maotai Town and Maotai Liquor…

About Ultiledger Guizhou station Meetup, welcome to add Ultiledger customer service WeChat consulting: Ultiledger_io



















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