Ultiledger was invited to attend the 2018 China Blockchain Conference, and the compiled papers were accepted by the conference.

On November 23-25, 2018, the 2018 China Blockchain Technology Conference (CBC2018) was held in Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City. The technical conference was hosted by China Computer Federation, China Computer Federation Blockchain Professional Committee, Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Sci-tech City (Hai Chuangyuan) Management Committee, Zhejiang University Blockchain Research Center, Hangzhou Hyperchain Technology Co., Ltd., the Data Science and Technology Research Institute of Zhongke GuoDing co-hosted. Ma Xiaojun, deputy director of the Office of the Network Security and Informatization Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Zhang Kun, Director of the National Information Center, Zhu Zhenwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Yuhang District Committee, and deputy head of the district, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

2018 China Blockchain Technology Conference (CBC2018) is guided by the development of blockchain industry and technological innovation. It has the main forum of the conference and the other six technical forums with the academic paper group reports of “blockchain application”, “blockchain and cryptography”, “blockchain technology development”, “smart city”, “blockchain architecture and consensus mechanism”, “blockchain and cloud intelligence”, “blockchain security and privacy protection”. The conference brought together government leaders, academicians, research institutes, key enterprises, industry associations and other parties to attract in-depth reports from well-known media from all over the country. The conference fully explained the national strategic layout and related policies and explored the technology and industry development trend and the frontier of the blockchain, sharing blockchain technology innovation and application, providing a practical platform for the extensive communication of China’s blockchain technology development and industrial growth.

As the most authoritative blockchain technology conference in China, the 2018 China Blockchain Technology Conference will be based on blockchain technology exploration, attracting top-level blockchain experts from universities, industry, financial institutions and governments and to get widely concerned from many Industry organizations, research institutions, universities, high-tech enterprises etc. The conference conducted in-depth exchanges on new theories, new technologies and new achievements in the field of blockchain through guest reports, special lectures, technical reports, on-site exhibitions, paper reports, etc., and jointly discussed key technologies and innovative applications of blockchains, standard specifications, personnel training, etc., and promote the development and application of blockchain technology.

The paper “A Scalable Blockchain Architecture Model” was co-written by Ultiledger Founder Randolf Liang, core development Yole Yu, Alex Zhao and Daofu Information Technology Li Zhuo has emerged from many paper submissions and was accepted by the 2018 China Blockchain Conference after fierce competition, and Ultiledger was invited to attend the conference, it was the second technical conference invitation of the authoritative blockchain conference after the world’s premier data research conference on mining IEEE.

On November 25th, Ultiledger Yole Yu made a report in the Oral session of the conference, analyzed the advantages of the blockchain and the existing pain points, and then proposed a multi-chain sharding architecture based on the status quo, and shared how to expand the multi-chain sharding, how the main chain witnesses sub-chain transactions, and how the sub-chains conduct cross-chain transactions through the value exchange layer. A new way to the new blockchain system will be provided and to achieve high scalability and flexibility of the system through the architecture.

About Ultiledger

Ultilegder, the Next Generation Global Self-financing Blockchain Protocol, an open source protocol initiated by a number of IT technology geeks, gets a high-level consensus and co-governance from the communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on token ULT to help any organization (contains government, business, industry clusters or individuals and communities) that needs to build trust at a low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial book and account system of bank-grade security; zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem; improved security, privacy, efficiency and capital availability of the system through the combination of the main chain and sub-chains. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, any tangible assets, data or intangible rights can be written on blockchain to become a string of code to achieve assets and data tokenization, and to use smart contracts and distributed storage for completing functions such as confirmation, notarization, trading, circulation, etc., and finally achieving “credit circulation, asset circulation, value circulation” in the algorithm world.

At present, the Ultiledger ecosystem has been applied in the field of supply chain finance, and it has been innovated in the wave of blockchain. The Ultiledger sub-chain has successfully applied in many domestic listed companies, including the Daoen Group (002838), the ST&SAT (002291), and the 365 Group.





由Ultiledger Founder梁然、核心开发余跃、赵诚成联合道富信息科技李卓共同编撰的论文《A Scalable Blockchain Architecture Model(一种可扩展的区块链架构模型)》经过激烈的竞争,从众多论文投稿中脱颖而出,被2018中国区块链大会录用并受邀出席大会,此次是Ultiledger继世界首屈一指的数据挖掘研究大会IEEE之后,再次收到权威性的区块链技术大会邀请。

11月25日,由Ultiledger余跃在大会的Oral session中做了报告,分析了区块链的优势和现有痛点,然后基于现状提出了多链分片架构,以及如何对多链 分片进行扩展,主链如何见证子链交易,子链间如何通过价值交换层进行跨链交易。通过该架构,最终为新的区块链系统提供一种新的方式,实现系统的高扩展性和灵活性。




Ultiledger unveiled at IEEE ICDM 2018, with the world’s top technical professionals in artificial intelligence and blockchain

On November 20th, the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining came to a close at the Resorts World Sentosa Convention Center in Singapore. Top scholars from the global field of artificial intelligence and blockchain gathered to express the latest technology and results on data mining and artificial intelligence.

The full name of IEEE ICDM is IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, which has become the world’s premier data mining research conference, providing an international forum to showcase original research results, as well as exchange and disseminate innovative, practical development experiences. The conference covered everything in data mining, including algorithms, software and systems, and applications. ICDM has attracted a large number of researchers and application developers in data mining related fields such as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, database and data warehousing, data visualization, knowledge-based systems and high performance computing. The date mining has continuously come to a high level by promoting innovative, high-quality research and innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems. In addition to technical procedures, the conference also includes seminars, tutorials, and group discussions.

In the IEEE ICDM 2018 paper collection process, Ultiledger’s paper “A Scalable and Extensible Blockchain Architecture” stood out from thousands of papers worldwide and was selected. The main author of the paper, Ultiledger, Yole Yu was invited to attend the conference and gave a presentation in artificial intelligence + the blockchain.

Picture of the world’s scholars in artificial intelligence and blockchain, the second to the left of the front row is Yole Yu

At the meeting, Yole Yu analyzed the advantages of the blockchain and the existing pain points, and then proposed a multi-chain fragmentation architecture based on the status quo, and how to expand the multi-chain fragmentation and how the main chain witnesses the sub-chain transaction, Cross-chain trading through the value exchange layer. This architecture ultimately provides a new way for the new blockchain system to achieve high scalability and flexibility.

Yole Yu gave a speech at IEEE ICDM 2018

About Ultiledger

Ultilegder, the Next Generation Global Self-financing Blockchain Protocol, an open source protocol initiated by a number of IT technology geeks, gets a high-level consensus and co-governance from the communities. Ultiledger aims to build an economic and financial ecosystem based on token ULT to help any organization (contains government, business, industry clusters or individuals and communities) that needs to build trust at a low cost and rapid construction of a distributed financial book and account system of bank-grade security; zero-cost transaction settlement within the ecosystem; improved security, privacy, efficiency and capital availability of the system through the combination of the main chain and sub-chains. In the Ultiledger ecosystem, any tangible assets, data or intangible rights can be written on blockchain to become a string of code to achieve assets and data tokenization, and to use smart contracts and distributed storage for completing functions such as confirmation, notarization, trading, circulation, etc., and finally achieving “credit circulation, asset circulation, value circulation” in the algorithm world.

Ultiledger亮相IEEE ICDM 2018,全球人工智能與區塊鏈領域頂級學者齊聚壹堂


IEEE ICDM全稱是IEEE International Conference on Data Mining,已經成為世界上首屈壹指的數據挖掘研究會議,提供了壹個展示原始研究成果的國際論壇,以及交流和傳播創新、實際的發展經驗。會議涉及數據挖掘的所有內容,包括算法、軟件和系統以及應用程序。ICDM吸引了大量數據挖掘相關領域的研究人員和應用程序開發人員,如統計學、機器學習、模式識別、數據庫和數據倉庫、數據可視化、基於知識的系統和高性能計算。通過促進新穎、高質量的研究成果,以及對具有挑戰性的數據挖掘問題的創新解決方案,不斷提高數據挖掘的最新水平。除了技術程序,會議還包括研討會、教程、小組討論。

在IEEE ICDM 2018論文征集過程中,Ultiledger的論文《A Scalable and Extensible Blockchain Architecture》從全球數千篇論文中脫穎而出並成功入選,論文主要作者Ultiledger核心開發余躍受邀出席大會,並在人工智能+區塊鏈專場做主題演講。


會上,余躍分析了區塊鏈的優勢和現有痛點,然後基於現狀提出了多鏈分片架構,以及如何對多鏈 分片進行擴展,主鏈如何見證子鏈交易,子鏈間如何通過價值交換層進行跨鏈交易。通過該架構,最終為新的區塊鏈系統提供壹種新的方式,實現系統的高 擴展性和靈活性。

余躍在IEEE ICDM 2018做主題演講




Ultiledger’s innovations unveiled at the International Conference on Data Mining IEEE ICDM 2018

The high-end International Conference on Data Mining IEEE ICDM 2018 was held in Singapore on November 17th. The conference brought together researchers and application developers in the world’s top data mining related fields to exchange innovative and high-quality research results, as well as Innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems.

Ultiledger core developer Yole Yu was invited to make the presentation and share Ultiledger’s research results “A Scalable and Extensible Blockchain Architecture” in the blockchain field.

The IEEE IDCM, International Conference on Data Mining, founded in 2000, and the year of 2018 is the 18th session. It is considered to be one of the important international conferences in the field of data mining research because of the high standards required for the selection of papers, especially the high requirements for innovation.

Ultiledger創新成果亮相數據挖掘研究會議IEEE ICDM 2018

國際高端數據挖掘研究會議 IEEE ICDM 2018 將於11月17日在新加坡舉行,大會匯聚全球頂尖數據挖掘相關領域的研究人員和應用程序開發人員,共同交流創新性、高質量的研究成果,以及對具有挑戰性的數據挖掘問題的創新解決方案。

Ultiledger核心開發者余躍受邀出席進行現場宣講,分享Ultiledger在區塊鏈領域的相關研究成果《A Scalable and Extensible Blockchain Architecture》。

IEEE ICDM全稱 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining,於2000年創辦,2018年將是第18屆會議。因其選取論文要求標準高,尤其是對創新性的高要求,被認為是數據挖掘研究領域重要的國際會議之壹。

Ultiledger News | Another important ecological scene of Ultiledger – “Dengba Planet” is about to be launched

Following the application of supply chain finance, another important ecological scene of Ultiledger – “Dengba Planet”, the world’s largest decentralized backpacker community, will be launched in December 2018.
It is reported that after 11 years of operation, Dengba has developed more than 1 million online communities, and there are nearly 100 hostels distributed around the world. Dengba will be perfectly transformed through the cooperation with Ultiledger. With the strong commercial performance of the Ultiledger public chain protocol, the problem of trust crisis, lack of liquidity, imperfect incentive mechanism, centralized and not transparent in the original model will be solved. To assist the original Dengba business, build a new business model, and build the world’s largest decentralized backpacker community.

Ultiledger快訊 | Ultiledger又壹重要生態場景——“登巴星球”即將啟動



OK Capital and 10000 Link visited Ultiledger

Zihan Zhou, the head of OK Capital Investment Research, and Shuchuan Xu, the head of 10000 Link Investment Research, visited Ultiledger to investigate the application of blockchain in supply chain finance on November 8, 2018. Hosted by Ultiledger Co-Founder and COO Tommy Xu who gave a comprehensive introduction to the self-financing ecology of Ultiledger. The two sides had deep communication on the financial ecology of the supply chain application, and discussed the recent hotspot, Security Token offering.

Ultiledger快訊 | OK資本及萬聯網壹行造訪Ultiledger

2018年11月8日,OK資本投研負責人周子涵、萬聯網投研負責人許書川壹行造訪Ultiledger,調研區塊鏈在供應鏈金融領域的應用。由Ultiledger Co-Founder兼COO徐立接待,對Ultiledger自金融生態做了全面介紹。交流過程中,雙方就落地的供應鏈金融生態做了深入交流,同時對近期熱點STO(Security Token Offering)進行了探討。