Ultiledger teamed up with CellETF to bring a new round of defi benefits to the community

Recently, a centralized exchange has experienced a thunderstorm and cannot withdraw coins. Many investors are very worried about the safety of their assets and start to consider decentralized trading methods again. The CellETF flash swap launched by Ultiledger’s strategic partner Cell Network is a decentralized trading system that can be technically comparable to Uniswap. Above, it is very convenient and safe to exchange assets on the Ethereum chain.

This joint event is a promotion of the flash exchange platform, and it is a kind of welfare. Users only need to deposit the designated token assets and provide liquidity for the product’s fund pool to obtain income. It is also known as “liquid mining”. During the event, users can get an airdrop of 30% of eCell tokens annually.

Ultiledger users can get airdrops by adding liquidity to eCell-ULT trade pair. Users only need to exchange for eCell with the flash exchange function, and then put it into the fund pool together with other ULTs to participate. To participate in the activity, you can use imtoken wallet, enter the previous cooperation link in the browse page or search for the DApp of CellETF.

For more event information, please refer to CellETF’s event description:



最近,中心化的某交易大所暴雷,無法提幣。很多朋友都非常擔心自己的資產安全,開始再一次的考慮去中心化的交易方式。Ultiledger的戰略合作夥伴Cell Network推出的CellETF閃兌,就是一個技術上可以比肩Uniswap的去中心化交易系統。在上面,可以非常方便且安全地進行以太坊鏈上資產的互換。


